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Meeting Minutes

MINUTES OF OAKHAM AFTERNOON W.I. HELD ON THURSDAY, 15 November 2018 at All Saints Church.


President extended a warm welcome to 28 members and explained that the Annual Meeting would proceed first, followed by normal business.   Gillian Hester was voted in as President to serve another year, proposed by Susan Reeves and seconded by Dorothy Kirkpatrick.  Except for Eileen Blackwood who wished to step down, the committee remains the same.


Normal business resumed with apologies received from Veronica Hayley, Thelma Adams, Gill Brown, Brenda Lang, Margaret Hall, and Marilyn Pawley and Marina Coneybeare who unfortunately is in hospital.  We all extend her good wishes.     


Birthdays:  Evelyn Philpot,  Pat Phillips, Anne Downs, Gill Brown, Veronica Hayley.     


Members were informed that, sadly, the Resolution devised by Eileen Blackwood for our W.I. was unsuccessful.   


Correspondence included a Carol Concert held on 6th December at St. Peter & St. Paul's Church, Langham at 7.30 p.m. and lifts were arranged.   


The Christmas lunch was confirmed on 13 December at The Hornblower at 12.30 for 1.00 p.m.  


Jill Stacey requested email addresses from those members who wish to receive information if absent from meetings.


After refreshments provided by Sue Dugmore  and June Clapinson, one of our own W.I. members Olive Saunders treated us to a demonstration of a floral table centre.    She emphasised her love of using natural foliage and flowers which she had used from her garden, and explained how to create table centres of different shapes.  She interspersed her talk with family anecdotes which everybody enjoyed.    In addition she generously donated several seasonal arrangements to the raffle table so the winning recipients were delighted.  Raffle gained  £28. 


Meeting closed at 3.59 p.m.

Minutes of Oakham Afternoon W.I. held at All Saints Church Hall on 18th October at 2.00 pm.


President, Gillian Hester opened the meeting by welcoming 9 visitors from Kegworth W.I. with whom we are twinned.  This was followed by our Speaker who entertained us with slides and recounted the history of candle making.  She informed us of the various methods and products used in their creation using beeswax, tallow, sperm whale oil and paraffin. We were surprised to learn that candles were used as early as 3000 BC.    Vote of thanks given by Jill Stacey and members had the opportunity of buying some of the candles on display.


Refreshments followed with thanks extended by President to Milly Lewis-Bates and Dorothy Kirkpatrick for providing them.


Apologies received from Elizabeth Hornsby, Thelma Adams, and Phil Boake.

Birthdays:  Olive Owen, Olive Saunders and Susan Cripps.


Susan Reeves read the correspondence and notified members that Bras for developing countries were still required.   She thanked those who had donated so far.

Gillian Hester gave a short report on the enjoyable Horseshoe Group Meeting.

Susan Reeves reminded members that, at the Annual Meeting on 15th November, there would be a Christmas Table decoration demonstration.


Menus for the Christmas lunch were distributed and a request made for choices to be made and money paid by November meeting please. 

Dorothy Kirkpatrick volunteered to be our Delegate at the Annual Council Meeting on 9th March.   Tickets for 4 members still available.


Forms were left for members to complete regarding the local Transport Plan.  More details at the Library.


Raffle raised £32.   President reminded members that next meeting is on 15th November, this being the AGM.



President welcomed 27 members and 3 visitors to the meeting.  Jerusalem was sung followed by an introduction to our speaker, Rosie Jamieson, who had come armed with utensils to demonstrate the making of her luxury mincemeat.  Several members took part and helped with the preparation of the fruits and whilst the mincemeat was cooking Rosie Jamieson gave an informative talk on various methods of preservation in history and provided information on pseudo sugar products.   In addition she distributed her book of recipes together with a very useful lid gauge which all members enjoyed.   The Vote of Thanks was given by Sue Dugmore.


After refreshments, meeting resumed with apologies from Mavis Welloff, Thelma Adams, Freda Shimwell, Anne Skipworth and Liz Dodds.

Birthdays were Susan Reeves, Mavis Welloff and Marina Coneybeare.


Minutes were read and signed and correspondence read out by Susan Reeves, most of which from Federation.     Attention was drawn to the Horseshoe Autumn group meeting on 10th October at the Rutland Hub at 7.15 p.m. £5 per ticket.   Also Eileen Blackwood invited members to an afternoon of classical music at her home starting on 24th September at 2 p.m.   Two tickets available for the Victorian Christmas Market on 8th December.    Sue Reeves also thanked June Clapinson for her generous contribution to Pennies for Friendship.  


President reminded members that the next meeting is on 18th October and the subject is Candle Making.   Raffle gained £30.   Meeting closed at 4.00 p.m.

MINUTES OF OAKHAM AFTERNOON W.I. ON THURSDAY, 16th August 2018 at All Saints Church Hall.


30 members and 2 visitors were welcomed by Gillian Hester, President, to our meeting at which Paul Dadford, member of Melton & Oakham Waterways Society was our speaker.  His subject was "The Oakham Canal".  He related its history and trade from its beginning to its decline when the need for the canal diminished and railways took over.    Conservation work to recreate a green corridor north of Oakham is part of future work by the Society.

President thanked those who provided refreshments and gave out apologies from Sue Reeves, Sue Dugmore, June Clapinson, Marjorie Bisson, Jenny Seccombe and Anne Skipworth.   Birthdays:  Anne Skipworth and Gillian Hester.


President confirmed that our W.I. has passed on a request to Federation to include more pick-ups in Oakham when organising their outings.


Jill Stacey announced that, at the next meeting members could make jam at a cost of £1 per person.   Numbers were taken from those interested.    She also told us that £292 had been raised from the Marie Curie Afternoon Tea.


Three different options for the proposed Grainstore Brewery tour on 26 September were presented to members.  However, only one response was made.  


It was noted that the craft event by the Horseshoe Group planned for October at Cottesmore has been cancelled.


Correspondence read by Gillian Hester.  One of note was a Federation trip, with pick up in Oakham, to a Xmas market in Stratford-on-Avon on 8th December.  Board going around.


Congratulations were extended to Olive Saunders for winning the George Stebbings memorial at the recent Flower Show.  Also to Liz Dodds whose photo appeared in the local newspaper when she helped at the Book Sale on behalf of Oakham In Bloom.


This was followed by a proposal by Eileen  Blackwood to put forward a Resolution to National concerning the lack of transport in rural areas.    She read out her proposed Resolution which was supported wholeheartedly by all members.  Next step is to put the fully worded Resolution to National for consideration.


The raffle raised £29.00   Meeting closed at 4.00 pm.   Next meeting 20th September entitled "Rosie Makes Jam".



Apologies:   Brenda Lang


The meeting opened with a welcome from President, Gillian Hester, to 26 members and 6 visitors.   After Jerusalem was sung, she introduced Anne Halsey whose talk was entitled "The Funny Side of the Funeral Business".   She gave a highly amusing account of her career in this profession together with some practical and useful advice.  Margaret Hall gave the Vote of Thanks saying how much all the members had enjoyed the light-hearted talk.


Refreshments followed after which the Minutes were read and signed.  President thanked the tea ladies emphasising the need for more vounteers please.  Then birthdays were announced.  Sue Dugmore praised the Afternoon tea at Gates organised by Jill Groombridge and Dorothy Kirpkpatrick and members agreed they had enjoyed the arrangements.


Sue Reeves read the correspondence, among which was a notice that the Horseshoe Group were having a Craft event at Cottesmore on 14 October.  Two outings were suggested to members.  One to the Grainstore Brewery for a Ploughmans Lunch and beer tasting and the other to Langham Stables to watch a gallop.  Start time 8.30 a.m. with coffee and biscuits.  A show of hands showed interest for both outings so these will be followed up.   Jill Stacey confirmed the Marie Curie tea being held on 2nd August between 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at a cost of £5.


President informed members that Whissendine W.I. had arranged a meeting with Leicester Federation to discuss the possibility of more events taking place in and around Rutland for a change.  Oakham W.I. has been asked to write down their requests as the meeting at Whissendine takes place on the same day as our own August meeting so we cannot attend.


The raffle raised £29 and the meeting closed at 4.00 p.m.   Next meeting 16th August on the subject of The Oakham Canal.

Minutes of Oakham Afternoon W.I. held at All Saints Church Hall on Thursday, 21st June 2018 at 2.00 pm.


Our meeting began with President, Gillian Hester, welcoming 19 members and 4 visitors.  After Jerusalem was sung she introduced Martin Turner, who spoke on the subject of the National Memorial Arboretum, a 150 acre site,  set in the National Forest in Staffordshire.    Whilst the main focus of his talk covered the 1st World War, he also showed us slides of a diverse range of memorials in the collection, in particular the "Women and Child" section in memory of, amongst others,  women in the Forces, evacuees and a Civilian Air Stewardess who, whilst losing her own life, saved passengers on board a burning Boeing aircraft.   To the delight of members, he also drew attention to the W.I. memorial seat set within dry stone walling designed by a woman from Derbyshire.  The symbolism of each memorial was very touching and it was clear that Martin Turner was passionate about urging those who had not visited to do so.    Members thoroughly enjoyed his absorbing and fascinating talk.   The Vote of Thanks was given by Brenda Lang.


After refreshments, apologies were given from Pat Phillips, Sue Dugmore, Dorothy Kirkpatrick, Elizabeth Hornsby, Phil Boak, and Anne Skipworth.  Thanks given to Jill Groombridge,Maureen Hubbard and Eileen Blackwood for the teas.  On the subject of teas, President made a request for more volunteers to please take part in the tea rota.


Birthdays:  Julie Testa, Dorothy Kirkpatrick, Eileen Blackwood and Shelagh Parmella.


Correspondence was read by Sue Reeves.  Jill Stacey drew attention to an afternoon tea to raise funds for Marie Curie on 2nd August organised by Jill Stacey and Jenny 

Seccombe.  Details of venue at next meeting.  Also a strawberry tea at Dove Cottage at Ridlington on 7th July at a cost of £7.


Gillian Hester then gave a comprehensive and interesting report on the Cardiff Annual Meeting.  She quoted some humourous  anecdotes from the two speakers at the conference -Stella Remington, former Head of MI5 and Huw Edwards from BBC   Raffle was drawn and there being no other business meeting closed at 3.55 p.m.



President welcomed 24 members and 7 visitors to the meeting and, after various apologies, Jerusalem was sung.  Minutes of last meeting were read and signed.   Susan Reeves then read out the correspondence and reminded members that there would be an Afternoon Tea held at Gates Garden Centre on 28th June at a cost of £7.50p.  


Birthday wishes were extended to Christine Sparks.


Gillian Hester then introduced the chosen Resolution to lobby HM Government to raise awareness of Mental Health.  She put forward arguments for and against the proposal and members were invited to debate the subject. Several suggestions were made as to how the WI could support people in the community with mental issues.  A point was also made that the WI should take on the role of pioneering instead of raising a subject which has already been discussed nationwide.  After the debate members cast their votes.  Results were as follows: 21 in favour, 2 Abstained.  Members gave our Delegate, Gillian Hester, the freedom to use her discretion on the day.


Delicious refreshments were enjoyed followed by the President introducing the Chief Executive of HealthWatch who gave us a talk on its role as a consumer champion for health and social care giving a voice to all of us who use these services.  A lively Question and Answer session followed after which she was thanked and the raffle was drawn.   Meeting closed at 3.50 p.m. with a reminder that the Speaker at the next meeting on 21 June will talk about The National Memrial Arboretum.

MINUTES OF OAKHAM AFTERNOON W.I. held on Thursday, 19th April 2018  at All Saints Church Hall


After Jerusalem was sung and members were welcomed, President Gillian Hester introduced our charming Speaker, Diane Sutton from Rutland Garden Centre . She proceeded to demonstrate how to create Spring, Summer and Herb hanging baskets and, as an interesting change, a Tumbling Tom tomato basket.   She emphasised how important it was to keep the baskets watered throughout their season to get the best from them.    Finally she kindly donated to the Raffle table the lovely Ball Basket studded with violas which was well received.   Vote of thanks given by Anne Skipwor;th.

 After refreshments,  President issued apologies from Jenny Seccombe, Jill Stacey, Brenda Lang, Elizabeth Hornsby, and Jean Marsland'


Birthday wishes to  Freda Shimwell and Jenny Seccombe


Sue Reeves covered the correspondence, details of which were left on the table for members who were interested in the events. She also reported on the enjoyable time she and other colleagues had at the 100th Anniversary event organised by Oakham Evening W.I.    She notified members that there would be an Afternoon Tea at Gates Garden Centre on 28th June.  Numbers to be collected in the future.


Anne Skipworth reminded members that Oakham Evening W.I. were organising a trip to Boughton House on the 7th August.  Cost: £20.  Leaving Oakham Bus Station at 9.30 a.m., returning about 4 p.m.  Names to be given to her.


24 members  attended the meeting and the raffle raised £23.

Meeting closed at 4.00 p.m.

Minutes of Oakham afternoon WI - March 2018

24 members attended the Oakham Afternoon W.I. on March 15th at All Saints Church Hall.


After Jerusalem was sung, President introduced David Price who gave an enjoyable and entertaining talk on the History of the Can-Can, which we learnt meant "Scandal".   This being a reference to the spontaneous, lively and carefree dance with daring high kicks, splits and the revealing of underwear.   His talk was interspersed with clips from films and photos which illustrated the development of the Can-Can and included two popular Parisien dancers of the day such as La Goulou and Jane Avril.  The Can-Can changed from its beginning as an individual dance to the choreographed style we see today.   The Vote of Thanks was given by Jill Stacey.


After refreshments, President thanked Phil Boake and Margaret Hall for providing the tea and cakes.


The Minutes of the last meeting were read and signed, after a correction that the outing being organised by Oakham Evening W.I. is to Boughton House and NOT Belton Hall.


Apologies were received from Freda Shimwell, Anne Skipworth, Elizabeth Hornsby, Olive Owen and Jean Marsland.


Birthdays this month were Liz Dodd and Sue Dugmore.


Sue Reeves read out the correspondence - notably notices on sporting events from HQ, Lady Denman Cup Writing competition with the title "The Day that Changed My Life" and a 100th Birthday Party on 19th August at Beaumanor Hall.   Sue also informed members that we had raised £44 for ACWW.


Gillian Hester then followed with a brief report on the Annual Council Meeting held at a WWII airfield at Bruntingthorpe on 10th March which was enjoyed by all those who had attended with her.

The raffle was drawn and raised £21.00p.


Before the meeting closed at 4 p.m. President reminded members that on 19 April the talk would be on "Making a Hanging Basket".

Minutes of Oakham Afternoon WI held on 15th February 2018 at 2pm at All Saints Church Hall.


26 members present.  3 visitors (2 of whom from Oakham Evening WI).


Apologies;  Pat Phillips, Eileen Blackwood, Freda Shimwell, Anne Skipworth, Jean Marsland, Shelagh Parmella, Phil Boak.


BIRTHDAYS:  Brenda Lang and Millicent Lewis-Bates.


President welcomed John Martin, guest speaker, who gave a comprehensive and interesting talk on the History fo Crime Fiction from 1840 to present day.

VOT given by Dorothy Kirkpatrick.


After refreshments Minutes of last meeting read and signed.  Gillian thanked Sue Dugmore for her work as Minute secretary.  Jo King to take over.  Thanks given to Jill Stacey and Jenny Seccombe for providing the refreshments.


Correspondence was read by Sue Reeves.   Attention drawn to 100th Anniversary activities provided by Oakham Evening W.I. on 27th March at the Spring meeting of the Horseshoe Group.  Venue: All Saints Church.


A suggested theatre outing to Uppingham to see "Guys & Dolls" matinee performance on 14th April.  Proposed mini-bus if numbers allowed.


AGE UK outing to Anglesey Abbey on 17th April.


Gillian notified members that Kavanagh Tea rooms were offering 10% discount to WI members.

Joint President of Oakham  Evening WI announced they were arranging a visit to Boughton Hall in the summer.  We are welcome to join them.  More details later in the year.  A coach is being arranged by Oakham Evening to go to the ACM.  Again members are welcome to join them.  However, Gillian and 3 others are going to the ACM on 10th March using own transport.


Raffle raised £27.    Next meeting 15th March.  Subject:  "History of the Can Can".  


Oakham Afternoon WI met at 2pm on Thursday 16th November 2017 at All Saint’s Church Hall, Oakham with 28 Member and 2 visitors, Eileen Rawson and Julie Testra present.

President Gillian Hester extended a warm welcome to everyone and Jerusalem was sung.


Gillian explained that the Annual Meeting would be held first followed by the Normal Business.


The first part of the Annual Meeting adjourned at 2.35pm and the tea break followed. Christine Spark spoke for a few minutes about the new plans for Oakham.  Anne Skipworth informed members that in March 2018, Rutland County Council would be meeting to finalise plans.  Members of the public are encouraged to go along and have their say on the matter.


Gillian thanked June Clapinson and Alison Malcolm for providing the delicious refreshments.


Apologies for non-attendance were received from Susan Cripps, Mavis Wooloff, Liz Hemming and Sheila Parmella.


Birthday wishes were extended to Veronica Hayley, Jill Brown, Anne Downs and Pat Phillips.


The Minutes of the last meeting were read by Pat Phillips and signed as a true and accurate record by Gillian Hester.


Matters Arising.  4 members including Gillian had taken part in the Centenary Challenge at Kegworth.  A very interesting afternoon.

It was put forward by the new Committee that the Minutes could be sent out by e-mail to be put on the WI website, so Members would have access to forthcoming events. A hard copy would still be produced.  Minutes to be e-mailed to Jill Stacey for posting on the website. 


Correspondence by Susan Reeve.

No correspondence, but Susan asked if Members could still carry on collecting stamps and that the last batch of Rutland Records were available to take away.


Carol Concert to be held at Wing on 7th December at 7pm.  Names taken by Gillian and lifts arranged.


Xmas lunch.  Lifts were arranged for Members by Gillian.


A card was read out from Ellen Prior, a former WI member, thanking Oakham WI for being so kind and welcoming.


A quiz was then held, followed by the raffle being drawn which made £29.


The Annual Meeting was concluded during the Normal Business meeting.


Gillian thanked everyone for attending and the meeting was brought to a close.

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